Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Golf Trip finalized for the summer

Our summer golf trip has been scheduled for Sunday, August 3rd to Wednesday, August 6th 2008. Jim is getting the invitation letters out this week to everyone. We anticipate another good showing from 20-24 fellow golfers. We will be playing at Hunter's Station in Tionesta, PA. This is our 12th year in row we will be visiting this great facility.

This place is one of the best when it comes to golf trips. It's not PGA Tour grade by any stretch but has so much to offer. The scenery is unbelievable, especially holes 2 through 7 located in the mountians, with spectacular views of the Allegheny River from above. The front nine is somewhat challenging, but the course offers reprieve on the back.

Having met with the owners of this course I can say that their primary objective is to make sure everyone has a great time. Avid golfers themselves, they know what a good golf outing or golf trip is all about, and they certainly know how to accomadate big groups. They want us to have fun, enjoy the game of golf, and enjoy all aspects of our golf trip.

This year some of us will be lodging in the Condos located right in the middle of the course, while others will be staying in a large cabin not too far from the main facilities. After 36 or 45 holes and who knows how many beers, it's nice having our rooms within walking distance.

We have yet to decide on the format or particular games we will be playing, but we are going to try and shorten the rounds a bit this year. We talked about a shotgun start for the early rounds, something we have not done in the past. This should save us close to an hour in playing time from the morning sessions. Then we usually play some type of scramble in the afternoon. Our goal is to get 36 in by 5:00pm. This will allow for an extra 9 or more for those who want it.

It's always a good time, and I know everyone is anxious to go already. I'll be posting some pictures from the previous years. Hopefully I can get more photos this year.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Technorati Profile

Tiger is unbelievable!

Being a big fan of this game, it is just remarkable to watch Tiger win tournaments over and over again. What is impressive about his latest victory in Dubai, is that he came from behind and shot 31 on the back to do it. There are a few critics out there (Skip Bayless being one) that claim he is a front runner, and can only win when he is ahead. This outing certainly proves not only is he a frontrunner, but a strecthrunner, and a come-from-behind runner, or the greatest this game-has-ever- seen-runner.

I admit that I am not a huge Tiger fan. Basically, because I like to root for the underdog. But, I have to give this guy credit. He is definately the best I have ever seen. What is cool about watching him play, is the fact that he doesn't do it by the book. He tends to spray shots all over the course, but has the remarkable ability to recover. Could you imagine being able to make up strokes the way he does? Now that is Golf!!