Monday, February 04, 2008

Tiger is unbelievable!

Being a big fan of this game, it is just remarkable to watch Tiger win tournaments over and over again. What is impressive about his latest victory in Dubai, is that he came from behind and shot 31 on the back to do it. There are a few critics out there (Skip Bayless being one) that claim he is a front runner, and can only win when he is ahead. This outing certainly proves not only is he a frontrunner, but a strecthrunner, and a come-from-behind runner, or the greatest this game-has-ever- seen-runner.

I admit that I am not a huge Tiger fan. Basically, because I like to root for the underdog. But, I have to give this guy credit. He is definately the best I have ever seen. What is cool about watching him play, is the fact that he doesn't do it by the book. He tends to spray shots all over the course, but has the remarkable ability to recover. Could you imagine being able to make up strokes the way he does? Now that is Golf!!

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