Thursday, February 21, 2008

Tiger Woods does it again

Are you kidding me? Tiger Woods' performance yesterday in matchplay was just amazing. I know this shouldn't be much of a surprise, but Tiger's comeback to win his match against JB Holmes was a thing of beauty. Fortunately, I got to watch the last eight holes of this match. The crazy thing about it, is that JB had him beat. And Tiger, looked liked a caged animal without the will to continue. He was spraying his drives into the Cactus, misguiding his approach shots, and not putting all that great. But, just when I wrote it off as a loss for Tiger and a great win for JB, Tiger comes out of nowhere to finish JB off on the last hole.

It's one thing to come back from a 3 stroke deficit with five to play, but to birdie four of your last five holes to do it, is just remarkable. You know you're witnessing a true champion, and probably the greatest golfer ever, when someone can just erase the last 13 holes from memory to pour it on and comeback in this fashion. It's not like JB gave it to him. He played solid, but couldn't match the ferocity of Woods. Like JB jokingly said in a recent interview, "Tiger, yeah he's pretty good." Pretty good is right. And it will take someone's very best to even have a chance to beat this guy.

We'll see how the rest of the match play event goes. Vijay Singh looked good. And what about Justin Leonard? I just looked at the updated scores and it looks like he's moving on to the sweet sixteen. Very impressive coming from a 13 ranking. It's great to see Justin doing well.

I think this is going to be Tiger's best year as a pro. He won't win every match he plays, or will he? We'll see if anyone can contend with him this weekend. If he has a weakness, it's match play. But, does anyone have the stones to compete with him right now? Maybe Boo Weekly is the answer!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

World Golf Tour

Well, any free time that I had is now taken up! I just found this website a few days ago:

The World Golf Tour is a new online golf game that offers the "world’s most photo-realistic online golf experience." The WGT is still in the beginning stages, but currently offers a nine hole closest-to-the-pin contest as a demo. When the site goes live sometime this year, you will be able to apply your gaming skills against real courses and golf resorts. The creators of WGT are going to build an online community where you can compete in tournaments and outings with your fellow golfing buddies or with friends online.

If the live site is anything like the demo, WGT is going to be big.